The Evansville Press, July 2, 1935 Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. EXCURSION TRIPS TO ROCKPORT OFFERED Round-trip excursion trips to Rockport Thursday for the Lincoln Pioneer Village dedication will be offered at 90 cents for adults and 45 cents for children between the ages of five and 12 by the Evansville and Ohio Valley Railway Company. The regular Sunday and holiday schedule will be followed except that a late train from Rockport and Evansville will be added. Schedule of trains leaving Evansville: 6 a. m., 7 a. m., 9:10 a. m., 11:10 a. m., 1:10 p. m., 3:10 p. m., 5:10 p. m., 6:10 p. m., 8:10 p. m. and 11:10 p. m. From Rockport: 1:50 p. m., 3:50 p. m., 5:50 p. m., 6:50 p. m. and 9:50 p. m.