The Evansville Press, July 3, 1936 Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. LINCOLN PLAY TO BE GIVEN AT ROCKPORT City Park Marker Dedicated Thursday in Summer Festival Special Correspondence ROCKPORT, Ind., July 3 Presentation of a Lincoln playa written by Miss Alice Heber, Evansville, and a history of old-fashioned costume dances will feature the Friday program of Rockport's Summer Festival. The program will be given in the high school auditorium Friday night. New additions to the Lincoln Pioneer Village will be dedicated Saturday. U. S. Senator Sherman Minton, Raymond Springer, Republican nominee for governor and M. Clifford Townsend, Democratic nominee, are expected to speak on the Saturday program. Dedication of a marker presented to the City of Rockport by ex-mayor Louis F. Weiss featured the Thursday program. The marker bears the names of city officials at the time the Rockport City Park was purchased.