The Rockport Democrat, January 25, 1935 Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. Lincoln Village Work Progresses Organizations, individuals and committees are getting behind the Lincoln Pioneer village project and work on the log cabins is going forward daily. The newspapers of the county are giving their valuable space to the cause and all organizations appreciate this fine spirit of the editors. There have been most generous donations of logs, gravel, sand and money and George Honig has labored unceasingly without one cent of pay in this civic undertaking. To Henry Hoch goes the honor of donating the first log house and the hauling of same to the city park; to Frank Stewart and family the honor of the first money contribution of $10.00. Logs have been donated for cabins by William N. Richard, 5 acres; Eva Stevenson, 10 acres; James Ellis, 7 acres; Julius Taylor, 5 acres; Ed Weber, of Chrisney, 5 acres; Robert Richards, one large log 5 ft. in diameter; Louis Eigerman has given the right of way in hauling logs over his land, Bedford-Nugent Co. has donated sand and gravel for the project, and James Rimstidt, a flag for the blockhouse. There have been 2671 logs hauled to the city park for the cabins to date. Clubs and organizations that have given money thus far are: Woman's club, $10.00; Literary club, $3.00; Music club, $3.00; Kiwanis club, $5.00; Garden club, $2.00; Presbyterian church, $5.00; Spencer County Historical society, $5.00, and Methodist aid, $5.00. The Methodist Ladies Aid is the first and only organization to contribute money for this civic project without being solicited. A further list of contributions will be published form week to week along with names of chairman of committees. Dedication of the village will be on July 4th. Make your plans to take part in the big celebration. Contributed.