The Rockport Democrat, March 22, 1935 Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. Local Citizens, Many Former Residents, Donate To Rockport Pioneer Village Fund From many states and far away places come letters expressing the interest of former Spencer county citizens in our Lincoln Pioneer Village. The letters are too numerous to publish, but many come without the persons having been solicited for donations, thus showing great loyalty to the old home county. Donations from people away that have been made since our last report are: Mrs. Horace Green, Hammond Louisiana, $1; Margaret Wilson, Evansville, $2: Katherine Barrows, Tulsa, Okla., $1; Ada Frank Allen, Los Angeles, Calif., $1; Geo. Atkinson, Cleveland, O., $5; Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. John, Suttgart, Arkansas, $5; Hester Mary John, Tucson, Ariz., $2; Mrs. F. G. Cupp, Seattle, Wash., $5; Mrs. Sid Anderson, Chickasha, Okla., $5. Special personal gifts from Rockport are: Rev. Kramer, $1; Mrs. Helen Houghland, $1; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Simpson, $5. Organization gifts, Masonic lodge, $5; Jenkins Post American Legion $1; M. E. C. A. $2; W. C. T. U., $2; Rockport home economics club, $1; Woman's Relief Corps. $1; Luce Township Culture club, $4; Odd Fellows lodge $5; Trinity Lutheran church $10; Silverdale home economics club, $2. The house to house canvass has not yet been completed, but the following is the list of donors up to date which is very good, remembering the men in business, heads of may homes, having contributed generously to another committee. Those giving $1 are Mesdames Henry Hoch, Grenade Axton, Carolyn Kopp, Bess Ehrmann, Eugenie Ehrmann, Mina Cook, T. V. Pruitt, Frank Miller, Gilbert Bosler, Louise Atchison. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill, Prof. And Mrs. F. S. Morganthaler, Misses Helen Posey, Hettie White and Elizabeth Bullock. Fifty cent donations from Mr. and Mrs. John Young, Sallie Poole, Anna Ballard, Eleanor Walker, Malissa Stocking, Mayme Buxton, J. A. Kent, O. P. Goldman, Wash Whitehouse, Mrs. and Mrs. W. W. Spain. Sixty cents: Jennie Berry Houghland and Mrs. James Kirkland. Twenty-five cent donations: Mesdames Bessie Shrode, Siddie Powell, Simon Kerstiens, Horace Sohn, Hattie B. Gibbons, Mollie Huffman, Grace Pattie, John Olsch, Anna Winchell, Rebecca Leamnson, Helen Ford, Anna Hoffmeier, Edna Leistner, Mr. and Mrs. James Wire, Omer Caswell, C. E. Springer, Louise Brown, Robert Richards, Betty Baum, T. W. Ferguson, Maude Ann Hay, John W. Wetzel, Styles Matthews, Anna K. Branch, Pauline Branch, Goldie Napper, Joseph Haines, Newton Beeler, Puss Wright, Laura Wright, James Denny, Gyneth Richard, George Barkentin, B. F. Winchell, Lizzie Gentry, Nora Lindsey, Lizzie Taylor, Maud Lindsey, Ara Biedenkopf, Eugene Basham, Frank Kerstiens. Thirty cents from Mrs. U. S. Lindsey, Mrs. C. W. Halbruge, Nora Freshley, 7c; Mrs. Charles Woolen, 5c; Ten cents from Pat Leon Axton, Anna Wilbern, Irene Snyder, Mesdames Dan Kopp, Sam Housten, Virginia Tennyson, Zara Ann Keller, Charles Campbell, Bert Lee, Eloise Cotton, Maude Earl, Ralph Winkler, William Titus, Frances McGill, Anna Cochran, Helen R. Parsley, R. R.Simpers, Harriet Cromie, Lillie Peckinpaugh, Ben Atkinson, Hamilton Young, Charles Salm, Harry Lanum, S. Quay Snyder, R. Schweitzer, Anna K. Brown, Jessie Heuring, Albert Hargis, Ebbert Young, Messes Agnes Savage, Rita Savage. The firm of Bedford-Nugent Sand and Gravel company, through their local representative, Claude Barker, has contributed more generously than any other. They have donated all of the sand and gravel for the foundation and chimney building on all cabins and should be commended as the most civic-minded organization in our community. What great things might be done should all firms be so liberal to the project. The work on the cabins is going forward nicely and progress is being made each week. The donations from Luce, Ohio, Hammond and Grass townships, which have been made so far to the project, have been greatly appreciated and it is hoped that each township in our county may have a part in this historical county work, something to point to with pride that they have helped build as a memorial to our Abraham Lincoln.