The Rockport Democrat, April 5, 1935

Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper.


Minton, Boehne, Laffoon, To Be Guests of Historical Society At Celebration July 4; Jroy Also Invited


J. Roy Strickland, well known editor and writer of "Paragraphy" for the Evansville Courier, has accepted the invitation of the Spencer County Historical Society to hold the first annual picnic of the McGuffey club in the log schoolhouse in Rockport's Lincoln Pioneer Village on July 4.

This is a great honor for Rockport and Spencer county and will bring many noted people from many places in Indiana to our city for our big celebration and dedication of the Lincoln Pioneer Village. Mr. Strickland is the founder of the McGuffey Club which has attracted considerable attention from people all over the tri-state territory.

A later announcement states that U. S. Senator Sherman Minton, Representative John W. Boehne Jr. and Governor Ruby Laffoon of Kentucky, have also accepted invitations to speak here that day.

Plans for the program on July 4 at the city park are being made and look to be one of great interest.

Letters and donations are being received each week and the cabins are being completed in the village. Four cabins have been made from logs donated by Mr. and Mrs. Will Richard. Two Rockport men, Bert Moore and Lloyd Poole, have contributed their services in building some of the stone chimneys in the cabins. A donation of this kind in money value far exceeds that of any personal money gift made so far by a town citizen. These old-fashioned fire places in the cabins add much to their appearance of pioneer days.

Other money donations received since the last report include: Rockport Public schools, $10.76; St. Bernard's school 50c; Evelyn Swallow, $1.00; Emma Chewning, Evansville, $1; Anna Vogel Oberley, Tell City, $1; Harriett Armstrong, San Antonio, Texas, $1; Georgia Chinn, $1; Eugene Abbott, Fulton, Mo., $2; Dr. and Mrs. Glackman and J. C. Glackman, $5; Mr. and Mrs. Denby Cadick Jr., $1; Mrs. Magladra and Janelia Pyle, $1; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hargis and Dorothy Hargis, $2.50.

In keeping with the pioneer village the committee in charge of other affairs outside the village, Henry Hoch and Frank Stewart are to advertise an old-fashioned picnic, like those of long, long ago when people went to visit, to eat and hear speech making and music.

Make your plans to turn back the leaves of time, and attend a celebration of one hundred years ago. See the handiwork done by pioneer women; the weaving, spinning, quilt making and buy some of the old-fashioned pioneer products.

Buy something at the Gentry store where the Lincolns traded and see the pioneer school in session. Contributed.

Correction: The American Legion Post was given credit for $1.00 donation, when the amount should have been $10.00.