The Rockport Democrat, May 3, 1935 Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. Village Arouses Interest of Many When the Lincoln Pioneer Village is dedicated on July 4th Spencer county will be host to some of the most distinguished guests ever assembled at one time in the county. It will be an old time pioneer celebration with speakers, music, visiting and old-fashioned dinners. With two governors, state senators, Minton and Van Nuys, Attorney General Phillip Lutz, Congressman Boehne and possibly President Roosevelt on the speaker's platform, Spencer county will indeed be honored. Then with J. Roy Strickland leader of the McGuffey clubs over the state also our guest, with the many members of the clubs, the city of Rockport is to have a it a red letter day. Letters and contributions are coming in daily from former Spencer county citizens who have remained loyal to the old home town though their lots in live have been cast in far distant places. Some contributions received since the last report are: Herbert Weil, London, England, $25.00, in memory of his father, Ferdinand Weil; Mrs. Anna Reinhart Lowden, Bloomington, Ind., C. A. Veatch, Los Angeles, Calif., $5; Mrs. D. R. Cunningham, $1, in memory of her husband, the late D. R. Cunningham, colored school teacher; Mrs. E. W. Fee of New Mexico, $2; Business and Professional Woman's club, $2; Mrs. Agnes D. Harrell, California, $2; Mrs. Ella Thomas, George Thomas Jr., Mrs. Bell Thomas Howell, gift of $15 in memory of their father, the late George Thomas. The following letter from these last named is most interesting: Dear Mr. Honig, We, the surviving children of the late George Thomas of Spencer county, feel a seep interest and pride in the work you have initiated in commemoration of the surroundings and conditions that helped to mold the character of our best loved president, Abraham Lincoln. His name was a household word in our family, for, as the older people know, our father was a volunteer in the civil war, although at that time of middle age and with a growing family. He served three years in the war, until compelled by reason of ill health to return home. So, in making this modest contribution of fifteen dollars, five dollars each, to the Lincoln Pioneer village fund, we do it in memory of our honored father as well as our greatest president. Rockport should be proud of a citizen with the vision and practical ability to conceive and execute such an idealistic plan as the Lincoln Pioneer village. We join your fellow townspeople and the many others interested, in congratulations on the valuable contribution you have made to the appreciation of the character and achievements of Abraham Lincoln. It would be a shrine. I am sending this for Mrs. Bell Thomas Howell, Billings, Montana; George Thomas Jr., Brownstown, Washington; Ella Thomas, Monterey, Calif. (Signed, Ella Thomas). A meeting of all committees of the Lincoln Pioneer Village, Spencer county historical society members and all persons interested in a big July 4th celebration are asked to meet at the courthouse on Monday night, May 6th. This meeting is called by the Spencer county historical society.