The Rockport Democrat, June 7, 1935

Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper.


Committees Report More Donations To Lincoln Pioneer Village Fund: Beautify Lawn Near Buildings


Pioneer furniture, pictures and dishes are being brought forth from attics and store houses to be put in the log cabins in the Lincoln Pioneer Village. The village is to become a museum for such old things as used in the days long passed.

A very interesting old cradle is to be loaned by Mr. and Mrs. Grant Johnson of Dale. Mrs. Johnson was a Turnham and the Turnham family and the Lincolns were friends and neighbors. Children of four generations have rocked in the old cradle dating back to 1810.

In the ground around the Azel Dorsey house in the village are many flowers growing and this has been made possible by the labor of a committee from the Rockport Garden club. The members of this committee are Mrs. K. C. Atchison, general chairman, Mrs. Charles Wilbern and Mrs. J. C. Baum, co-chairmen for the large garden, with Mrs. James Hargis, Mrs. R. E. Roberts, Mrs. Louis Schoenfeld, Mrs. J. C. Glackman, Mrs. Isabelle Kopp and Miss Pet Enlow.

Mrs. Eva Stevenson and Mrs. Helen Houghland have given numerous old-fashioned plants to the committee and Miss Edna Leistner has been one of the untiring assistants in the work.

G. W. Kochersperger has donated four large cedar trees, Mrs. John Buxton has given numerous plants and Mrs. M. Weil has given an antique chair and several plants.

Roy Martin has given an old-fashioned iron kettle, and the Trinkle brothers a 45-gallon iron kettle. It has been hung in the Daniel Grass cabin yard.

Money donations since the last report are: Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Baker, Evansville, $2; Mrs. Velva Sharp Evansville, $1; Miss Emma Feigel, 25c; Mrs. Kate Milner Rabb, Indianapolis, $2; Lorena Hargis Craig, Arkansas, 50c; Sam Myers, Washington, D. C. $1; Tura Ellis, $1; Laura Ellis Payne, $1; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pierson, Grandview, $1; St. Bernard's Ladies Guild, $2.50; third grade pupils, public school, 50c.

Formal invitations have been printed and are to be sent this week to historians and noted people in many places.

Be ready for the big celebration, July 4th.