Fourth of July in Rockport
Spencer County is to be in full dress on the Fourth of July, the birthday of our nation. The Lincoln Pioneer Village is to be dedicated. Noted speakers will address the people. The McGuffey club will have a program. The Rockport Kiwanians will put on an Indian raid as the spectacular close of the day's celebration. Every town and community, every organization in the county, is urged to be represented in the parade; cash prizes to be given for the three best interpretations of the day's celebration as voted on by the judges.
Let the Red, White and Blue be in evidence everywhere. Let our spirits ring true to what our Revolutionary forbearers established. Like the patriotic zeal of our ancestors in Spencer county, may every adult citizen help fan the undying flames of patriotism into the hearts of the young generation, as well as in his own by doing his bit.
Come! Mingle with friends. Catch the spirit of "Ye Olden Times," and enjoy once again an old fashioned Fourth of July celebration.
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