The Rockport Democrat, June 19, 1936

Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper.


"March of Progress" A Colorful Float Parade'to Be One of the Features of Morning Program


Rockport citizens should feel it a privilege and a duty to support in every way the week's celebration. Much publicity has been given the affair through the splendid co-operation of a committee consisting of Mrs. Mina Cook, Mrs. Lizzie Gentry, Miss Laura Wright, U. S. Lindsey, Francis J. Fella, Charles Baker and Otis Brooner.

Thomas Fortune, program chairman, is arranging the plans for the Southwestern Indiana Civic Association's assistance in the March of Progress"'the parade on the morning of July 4. Hilbert Bennett and Claud Snyder are the chairmen for the parade and Loney Parsley is the marshal of the parade and parking director for the various celebrations during the week. Many clubs and organizations are now making plans for their floats. This list will be published later.

On Sunday June 28, the celebration opens with a pioneer religious service in the replica of the "Old Pigeon" Baptist church in the Village. Mrs. Mina Cook, Mrs. K. C. Atchison, Mrs. George Brown and Mrs. Charles Baker are chairmen, of this service. Elder W. C. Arnold of Carmi, Ill., will conduct the old-time Primitive Baptist service. Rev. Rake of Evansville and Rev. J. E. Gettings of the Rockport Baptist church will assist. People are urged to bring their picnic suppers and enjoy the park following the service, and the "Lincoln Pioneer Village" which in time will be a national shrine for Lincoln admirers and historians as well as people interested in pioneer things.

Free coffee donated by Rockport citizens will be served with Louis Halbruge, a real coffee maker, in charge. Sandwiches can be purchased and a delightful time is offered all who attend.

The Village will be open for inspection, with pioneers in costume, to make visitors welcome. No gate charge into the village will be made for those attending the church service. After 3 p. m. the usual charge of 10c will be made.

A free will offering, taken during the service, will go to the church building.

Monday is the Home Coming Day for visitors with celebrations in the homes. Monday night Historical films are to be shown in the Court House Assembly Room. A further announcement of this will be made later.

Tuesday is set aside for a tour of all visitors to all historic sites in the county.

Wednesday noon the Rockport Kiwanis Club, will have a picnic with a program following the dinner, in the Village.

Thursday afternoon there will be a splendid program in the park when the marker donated by Louis Weiss is to be unveiled. Atty. John Posey will be master of ceremonies and Atty. Paul Schmidt, of Evansville, will give the dedicatory address. Mayor Chinn, Mrs. James Rimstidt, Robert Atkinson, The Rockport Band, Louis Weiss, Rev. W. M. Allen and Rev. Gettings are assisting in the program.

Friday night the play, "Lincoln's First Great Sorrow" will be given in the High School Auditorium; also a group of old time dances in costumes of the different periods. Mrs. Chas. Salm, Mrs. Ben Smith, of Grandview, The Rockport High School Orchestra, and the Hartwell Colored Quartette will assist with the music.

At 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon of July 4th, there will be a splendid program of speeches and music in front of the amphitheater with A. W. Eberling, president of the Southwestern Indiana Civic Association, master of ceremonies. The program will be opened by a call to assemble, by Robert Atkinson.

Mrs. C. D. Ehrman, general chairman of the Lincoln Country Summer Festival, will introduce Mr. Eberling. He will then take charge of the program and introduce the various speakers, among whom are Prof. Ross Lockridge, historian; Hon. Sherman Minton, Indiana Senator; Hon. Raymond Springer, Republican nominee for Governor of Indiana; Wayne Coy, Indiana W.P.A. director, who will dedicate the new buildings. Hon. Thomas Finley of Madisonville, Ky., will bring greetings from Kentucky, to Indiana. George Honig, designer and builder of the Lincoln Pioneer Village will be introduced. Rev. Wilbur Allen will give the invocation and Rev. Lee Jarrett the benediction.

It is truly a week of fine programs'Come and bring your families'No charges to enter the park for the different programs and free parking space.

Ben Branch is chairman for City decorations and every citizen is urged to decorate their home, and business houses with flags for the entire week of the celebration.

Mrs. Charles Feigel, Misses Lucille Richard and Edith Brother are chairmen of ushers for the play, and bureau information for the Fourth of July.