The Rockport Democrat, June 26, 1936 Advertisement was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. ROCKPORT WELCOMES YOU TO ATTEND THE LINCOLN COUNTY SUMMER FESTIVAL Sunday, June 28 Through July 4th ROCKPORT CITY PARK SUNDAY: In the replica of the "Old Pigeon Church" a pioneer church service will be held at 2:30 p. m. No admission to Village to those attending service. MONDAY: Homecoming celebration, in homes for visitors. Eight o'clock p. m., free motion pictures in Assembly Room of Court House. TUESDAY: Tours of Historic Points in Spencer County. An all-day automobile trip, with basket dinners at the noon hour at some convenient spot. WEDNESDAY: Kiwanis Club of Rockport sponsors Picnic at Park for members of their families and visiting Kiwanians. THURSDAY: Dedication of City Park Marker, 2:30 p. m. at Park. A full afternoon program, with picnic supper for those who plan for such. FRIDAY EVENING: 8:00 o'clock. "Lincoln's First Great Sorrow". A one-act play in three scenes, at high school auditorium. Full evening program. SATURDAY, JULY 4TH Big Parade at 10:00 a. m., followed by tours of Village and picnic dinners at noon. Afternoon program begins at 2:00 o'clock. Music, addresses by prominent men, including M. Clifford Townsend and Raymond Springer, Democratic and Republican candidates for governor, respectively. Dedication of New Buildings and Lake, etc. Something doing every minute. For full details see printed program. This Space Contributed by the Following Progressive Business Firms: