The Rockport Democrat, June 28, 1935

Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper.


The village which now covers a large portion of Rockport' s beautiful city park, with large trees as a setting, is the lifetime dream come true of George H. Honig, a sculptor and Lincoln historian, of Rockport.

For many years Honig cherished the ambition and two years ago he and Mrs. Honig, well known as a musician, returned to Rockport from Evansville, so that he might devote his time and talents to this project, entirely a labor of love.

Honig met many obstacles. But he persisted, saying: "The citizens of Spencer county will see the vision, then we will build a historic memorial to Lincoln that will visualize the Spencer county environment in which Lincoln lived during the 14 formative years of his life, from 1816 to 1830."

Honig made the blueprints for the buildings after long and careful research, then superintended the construction of the village.

The village is made up of log cabins, public buildings, schools, and churches as they stood in Lincoln' s days in Spencer county. More than 3,000 logs were donated and two log cabins, more than 50 years old, were moved to the site. Labor was provided through the FERA and money required was raised by popular subscription, schools, churches, clubs, and civic associations of the county as well as individuals making donations.

The project was sponsored by the Spencer county historical society assisted by Mayor Chinn and the city council, the Rockport Improvement association, Chamber of Commerce and Kiwanis club. A county organization was formed with Mrs. Bess V. Ehrmann, president of the historical body, as general chairman, Mayor Chinn and Councilman Horace Sohn were Co-chairmen of the building committee, and T. C. Basye and P. H. Axton are treasurers.