The Rockport Democrat, July 3, 1936 Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. LINCOLN FETE DRAWS CROWD Services in "Old Pigeon Baptist Church" Sunday Attended By Capacity Crowd. Special Choir Sing Old Hymns BIG EVENTS STILL TO COME An appreciative crowd visited the Pioneer Village, and were greeted by the hostesses of the different cabins, old time hospitality greeted the visitors in homes equipped with furnishings of pioneer days. More than 1000 visitors registered. There was a baeutiful service held in the replica of the Little Pigeon church in the Village. Elder A. C. Arnold of Carmi, Ill., pastor of the Crossville Primitive Baptist church, preached an excellent sermon. The church was packed to full capacity, numbering at least 600. The fine old hymns sung reverberated throughout the Village and park recalling those days when church service was indeed a privilege, and spiritually and fear of God was universally the foundation of the home and when the Holy Bible was opened and read daily in family worship. The sponsors of this occasion desire to express their appreciation for those who came. Mrs. Shore a lady of 90 years, a resident now of Illinois, was thrilled when as a girl, she lived in this county. The day was a day when sentiment of "ye olden times" was duly expressed and appreciated by visitors, noting in reality the progress of the times. The Historical films donoted by the Standard Oil Co. put on in the assembly room of the Court House Monday evening, through the courtsey of Ben A. Branch, local agent, were most splendid. Again the promoters of the evening's entertainment, thank all who helped make this possible. On Friday evening at 7:30, the one act play, by Miss Alice Hebert is to be given. Dances of different periods are also to be staged. Miss Helen Brother is director of the H. S. Orchestra and Downey Kessner is director of the H. S. Band, in the absence of their teachers. Then last come the Big Fourth, the anniversary of the birth of our nation. A splendid program in a beautiful park is to be given. Come and enjoy the day.