The Rockport Journal, March 1, 1935

Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper.

Contributions Roll In For Pioneer Village


Money donations to the Lincoln Pioneer Village which was solicited by the men's finance committee of the organizations sponsoring the project is listed this week. Next week the ladies home to house fund will be announced. Some contributions made for hauling and earlier work on the project will also be listed.

Contributions from the business men and firms of Rockport have been most generous and following are the amounts that have been paid to the committee:

B. F. Stewart, T. C. Basye, Pat Axton and Harvey Chinn gave $10 each.

Benjamin Branch, Charles Salm, Martin-Serrin Co., C. D. Ehrman, Kopp Feed Store, Parsley Bros., Horace Sohn, C. A. Wilbern, Link Hardware Co., Frank Hargis, Rockport Democrat, James Hill, W. H. Brown, paid $5 each.

Robert Napper, Ritchie Cleaning Co., Dodge Ferguson gave $3 each.

J. A. Hargis, A. E. Shrode, Sargent's Store, Balderson-Ashcraft, Thomas Fortune, A. N. Powers, Rudolph Creca, R. B. Kent, K. C. Atchison, Elmer Martin paid $2.

Winn Shrode $2.50.

Roy Gwaltney, Eugenia Hayden, George Wandel, Myler Shrode, Bryan Wilkerson, James Lindsey, Walter Trinkle, L. N. Savage, Josie Kirchgessner, Fred Cochran, Elm Street Market, A. B. Crane, Joe Holtzman, W. W. Spain, W. F. Davis, Hilbert Bennett, Paul Vittitow, C. P. Trinkle, Forrest Tignor, E. C. Bashman, W. H. Nuetzel, Fred Conen, D. W. Kessner, William Zenor, Paul Mason, John Posey, John Vittitow, A. R. Feigel, Chris Stowers, $1 each.

Styls Matthews, Walter Brown, G. W. Kochersperger, Gyneth Richards, 50c each.

John Biggs, 25c.

All these paid in cash.

There is a large number who have pledged certain amounts which are to be paid which will be published later.

Both the Rockport Democrat and Journal are giving newspaper space to the project. Miss Lillian Hoch is typing reports and Mrs. Robert Synder is typing letters. The following have donated labor and nails: J. F. Wetzel and Son, E. C. Deweese, Tableman Bros.

Out of town donations received up to date with letters of interest for our Lincoln Pioneer Village are:

Oatley Anderson, Chickasha, Okla., $5.

Mrs. Cora Crowder Barnett and Fred Crowder in memory of William Richardson, Luce township, who lived near the Lincolns in Kentucky and came to Spencer county in 1816, same year the Lincolns came, $25.

Mason Hougland, Nashville, Tenn., $10.

John W. Wartman, Los Angeles, Calif., $10.

Mrs. Cora Hanna, North Vernon, Ind., $1.

Mrs. Anna Kuttler, Huntingburg, Ind., $1.

Dr. George Laird, New York, $5.

W. H. Wohler, Grandview, $5.

Mrs. Estella Spence, Dodge City, Kansas, $8.

The Odd Fellows gave $5 as an organization and other organizations are yet to report.