The Rockport Journal, April 5, 1935 Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. McGuffy Club Will Picnic Here Fourth ELABORATE PLANS ARE BEING MADE FOR PIONEER VILLAGE DEDICATION Let us change the words a bit in an old fashioned quotation and say: "Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight; and make us all pioneers just for awhile." We will then be ready to attend the old fashioned picnic which is to be planned by Henry Hoch and Frank Stewart for our big celebration in our city park on July 4th and the dedication of our Lincoln Pioneer Village. In pioneer days people went to visit, to eat and hear good speakers at their 4th of July picnic and at our city park all these things will be on the program. Spencer county is to have a number of honored guests and speakers at the big celebration and among these guests of note will be J. Roy Strickland, writer of "Paragraphy" in the Evansville Courier, and a man well known throughout the middle west. Mr. Strickland has accepted the invitation to have the first annual picnic of the McGuffey Club (which he founded) in the log school house in the Lincoln Pioneer Village. This will bring together a group of noted people from many cities and towns, and Rockport feels honored indeed to be hosts to such a gathering. Work is progressing in the building of the pioneer village and the past week was a busy one for Mr. Honig and the workers as the stone chimneys and fireplaces were built. Two of our well known stone masons, Lloyd Poole and Bert Moore, donated their services in building some of the chimneys. This giving of experienced labor was a very fine gift and in money value was greater than any single personal money gift made so far. If all our citizens could donate labor like these civic minded citizens, what a great pioneer village we could have. Our citizens should thank Mr. Poole and Mr. Moore for their valuable assistance. Money gifts made since the last report are as follows: Rockport public schools, $10.76; Catholic school, 50c; Evelyn Swallow, $1; Emma Chewning, Evansville, $1; Anna Vogel Oberley, Tell City, $1; Harriet Armstrong, San Antonio, Texas, $1; Georgia Chinn, $1; Eugene Abbott, Fulton, Mo., $2; Dr. and Mrs. Glackman and J. C. Glackman, $5; Mr. and Mrs. Denby Cadick, Jr., $1; Mrs. Magladra Pyle and Janella Pyle, $1; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hargis and Dorothy Hargis, $2.50. Logs for four cabins in the village were the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Richard of the Brick & Tile Co. here. The names of all donors to this valuable historical memorial in Spencer county shall be recorded and later placed in permanent form in one of the buildings. Make your plans for the old fashioned pioneer picnic on July 4th at Rockport City Park, and dedication of the Lincoln Pioneer Village. See all the old fashioned handwork done by pioneer women and buy some of their products, visit the old Gentry store and buy something there as a souvenir. See the pioneer school in session and attend an old fashioned dance. Come be merry with us.