The Rockport Journal, May 31, 1935

Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper.

Rules For Visitors Set For Dedication



All automobile and other vehicle traffic will enter the park at the Main street entrance. No automobiles will be permitted to enter at the Seminary street entrance.

Pedestrian traffic will be through the Seminary street entrance.

Bring your baskets well filled for your family and friends. This is an old time basket picnic.

The Ladies Aid will serve the best of meal on the grounds at their usual shelter house for 60c.

There will be hamburgers and hot dog stands on the grounds. Everybody can eat.

There will be free attractions on the platform in front of the amphitheatre. There will be something going on every minute.

The McGuffy Club will meet at 1 p. m. in the Pioneer Village. All McGuffyites will register at the McGuffy club headquarters and receive a badge that will admit them to the Pioneer Village.

The Indians will attack the settlers in the Pioneer Village about 4 p. m. and scalp the last one of them, if they can not be successfully fought off by the pioneers with those old long squirrel rifles.

You can take a ride on the old pioneer ox cart drawn by real oxen, if you like.

Watch for further announcements.