The Rockport Journal, August 23, 1935 Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. Meeting Is Held At Pioneer Village GEORGE HONIG RECEIVES A PURSE OF $100 FOR SERVICES AT VILLAGE Another enjoyable affair was that of the community meeting at the Lincoln Pioneer Village Monday evening sponsored by the Spencer County Historical Society and the park commissioners. Every organization in the community contributed to the success of the affair. Several hundred people visited the village and partook of the lunch during the few hours that the assembly was together. Everybody contributed and therefore everybody was responsible for the success. A few contributed articles for the buildings. One pleasing feature was that of presenting to G. H. Honig a purse of nearly $100 by Mrs. Bess Ehrman, president of the society, from the citizens of Rockport. Mr. Honig was the moving spirit in the building of the Pioneer Village and it was through his unselfish toil that the work has reached its present condition. Mr. Honig went early and stayed late during the erection of the cabins, sometimes doing without his noon meal. Mrs. Ehrman's words in the presentation were timely and full of meaning. The gift took Mr. Honig so by surprise that the only thing he could say was "Thank you".