The Rockport Journal, November 2, 1934

Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper.

Mural Unveiling Is Well Attended Here

Wednesday was another big day in Lincoln lore in Rockport and Spencer county when several hundred adults and high school pupils assembled at the Lincoln flatboat landing on the Ohio and received instruction in a school such as Lincoln attended in Spencer county when a boy. A school in the open with nature all around.

And it was thoughts of a nature school in the forest that inspired Rockport's own sculptor, George H. Honig, to conceive the idea of the sculptured mural of "Abraham Lincoln's Forest College in Spencer County, Indiana 1816-1830."

Mrs. C. D. Ehrman was master of ceremonies at the river landing. The program as announced last week was carried out in full. Invocation by Rev. Courter, remarks by T. C. Basye who introduced distinguished visitors, and gave words of welcome. The address of the occasion was given by Prof. Ross Lockridge, his subject was "Lincoln's Ohio River Contacts." Previous to the address the Evansville college choir led by Prof. I. M. Blackburn, gave a number of songs of the time of Lincoln.

Prof. Lockridge showed by his remarks the influence of the environment of Lincoln upon his character. Born in a slave state, reared in a free state with the Ohio river as a boundary between the two. The picture was made very vivid by the speaker. He felt that these facts had great influence in making Lincoln a strong Union man. Rev. Page gave the benediction.

At the noon hour the visitors were guests of the Kiwanis at the M. E. Church basement luncheon. Talks were made by President Stewart McClelland, President Earl Harper, Prof. Ross Lockridge and others. The Evansville choir gave a number of selections. Supt. T. V. Pruitt had charge at the church.

The unveiling of the mural tablet took place at the high school auditorium at 2 p. m. with Supt. Pruitt in charge. Invocation by Rev. Page. Words of welcome by Mrs. Eugenia Hayden, county supt. of schools, were to the point and well received. Music by the Evansville choir. President Stewart McClelland of the Lincoln Memorial College, Harrogate, Tenn., had for his subject "Things Not Learned In School." Mr. McClelland brought out many traits of Lincoln's character'speaking of his ability, broadmindedness, courage, energy, frugality, good will, human understanding, humor, honesty. His death was a tragedy and a great blow to the South. Hate has no room in a world where there is death. Hate was not in his nature.

Pres. Harper and Prof. Lockridge were introduced and each made some timely remarks. C. T. Baker, Grandview, Judge Kiper, Boonville, Mrs. Morris, St. Louis, A. M. Sweeney and others were introduced. When Mr. Honig was introduced he was given quite an ovation.

The last part of the program was the unveiling of the tablet by Eli Grigsby, a descendant of Lincoln's Indiana neighbors. Benediction by Rev. Courter.