The Rockport Democrat, February 15, 1935

Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper.


Build Plans Go Forward Rapidly At City Park; Letters Sent To Many For Local Citizens; Build Fifth Cabin


Interest in the Lincoln Pioneer Village, which is being constructed at the city park in Rockport, has reached a new high, and by reason of the project's being given publicity in several well known Indiana newspapers, the interest of thousands of people in outlying areas of this section has been aroused.

To create a bond of common interest among former residents and those who now make Rockport their hometown, letters were sent to more than 100 persons last week by the letter committee. Some have already responded with generous donations.

The local organizations are still busily engaged with soliciting work, and several more civic groups have contributed. These include: American Legion auxiliary, $5; Women's Relief Corps, $1; Eastern Star, $5; Evangelical Ladies Aid, $2; Christian church, $3; Rebekah Lodge, $10; and Rockport Home Economics club, $1.

Individual donations are being received by specially appointed representatives and a canvass of the town is expected to be completed this week. If your contribution has not been solicited, it may be given to P. H. Axton, treasurer of the general committee.

The fifth log house of the village is now under construction in the park and it is an interesting sight to view as the FERA workers make the old-fashioned clapboards, once so commonly seen in the construction of houses. It is the aim of local enthusiasts to see pioneer Rockport in existence once more and the location itself is a picturesque setting, with tall, crowded trees likened unto the primeval forest of the early days.

Plans are underway now for a great celebration here on July 4, when the village is to be dedicated.

The governors of Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois will be invited to be the speakers of the day. The Spencer county historical society will have charge of the historic program in the pioneer village that day, when many interesting pioneer customs will be portrayed.

Henry Hoch and Frank Stewart, of the Rockport Improvement association will be joint chairmen for the outside attractions in the city park, and for the general program of this day.