The Rockport Democrat, June 5, 1936

Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper.


Wayne P. Coy, director of the Works Program Administration of Indiana has accepted the invitation of the Historical Society to attend the Lincoln Country Summer Festival and dedicate the new buildings and lake on the afternoon of July 4.

In his letter to Mrs. C. D. Ehrman, Mr. Coy states that when the sequence of the Indiana WPA movie showing the Lincoln Pioneer Village was shown in the White House, President Roosevelt expressed great interest in the restoration of the Village.

One of the day's celebration during the Lincoln Country Summer Festival which begins on Sunday afternoon, June 28 and continues through July 4, dedicates a marker donated by Louis F. Weiss, which tells of the date of purchase of the Rockport City Park by the City Council, Mr. Weiss has always been a public spirited citizen, and was Mayor of Rockport, when the park was bought. On this marker of marble, will be the names of the members of the City Council and date of purchase.

The marker will be an object of historic value to the community now, and for future generations. It will be placed just beyond the entrance gate which is at the end of Main Street. One entering through this gate-way will see also miniture log cabins on either side of the wide drive way, a flag pole set within a circle of low shrubs, with a winding drive-way passing through a beautiful avenue of trees leading directly to the Lincoln Pioneer Village.

This Lincoln Memorial in Spencer County is one of the highlights in southern Indiana. Severe winter weather has delayed the finishing of all details, but each day now sees the work nearer a completed piece of artistic endeavor concieved and executed by George Honig and those who have worked under his supervision.

The corn-cracker mill with a massive stone foundation standing on an island will soon be completed, reached by a stone bridge that adds to the picturesque view. It will be a source of interest to the thousands who attend the Lincoln Country Summer Festival.

Spencer county citizens should be thrilled with the various places of interest in out county. Visitors coming here have the Nancy Hanks Lincoln Park, the German Camp grounds, the St. Meinrad Monastery, the town of Santa Claus and its parks, the Old Tannery Site near Grandview, the Anderson Ferry, both of Lincoln fame, the Meek's Tradegy near Richland, the beautiful town of Dale, and Gentryville so rich in Lincoln love, the Lincoln Pioneer Village, and Lincoln Flatboat landing at Rockport, besides its natural beauties to repay them for such visits in our county.

Make plans to attend the various program during the celebration at the County Seat. Make this time the one of home coming and interest your friends to come.